The Little Professor: Use Him Wisely


In my “Zombies and Professors” post, I introduced the concept of The Little Professor (TLP). I may have given the guy (gal) a bad wrap. Listening to TLP during your swing is futile, but there are many things he’s very good at. Today, I’ll share the proper use of TLP and how he/she can elevate your game. Let’s dig in.

Strategic Thinking

TLP excels at strategic thinking, treating each hole as a puzzle to be solved. Instead of relying solely on power and precision, use TLP to analyze the layout, consider the terrain, and make calculated decisions based on your strengths and weaknesses. By using TLP in this way, you can learn to approach the game with a heightened sense of strategy, selecting shots that maximize your chances of success.

Course Management

TLP understands that golf is not just about hitting the ball but also about managing the course effectively. TLP is perfect for carefully assessing each shot’s risks and rewards, considering the placement of hazards, wind conditions, and pin positions. By prioritizing accuracy and positioning, you”ll navigate the course strategically, minimizing mistakes and capitalizing on opportunities.

Continuous Learning

TLP is a perpetual student of the game. Use him to study golf courses, analyze professional players’ strategies, and seek the latest insights and techniques. Embracing this mindset encourages you to be open to new ideas, seek expert guidance, and experiment with different approaches. This commitment to continuous learning can propel your golf to new heights.

Mental Fortitude

TLP’s realm is cognitive thought. Use him to maintain focus, remain calm under pressure, and quickly adapt to changing circumstances. By cultivating a resilient mindset, you are better equipped to handle setbacks, bounce back from mistakes, and maintain a positive attitude throughout your round. Incorporating mental resilience into your game can help you overcome challenges and perform at your best, even in adversity.


TLP represents the intellectual side of golf. Intelect is excellent for those things described above. However, swinging the club must be left to the subconscious. Tap into TLP on the course for strategic thinking, course management skills, and mental fortitude, then turn him off and swing. Strive to meld the physical and intellectual aspects of the game to achieve new levels of success, enjoyment, and fulfillment on the fairways.

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