Backswing Up

Your backswing needs to be more vertical. There, I said it. I’ll repeat it for emphasis. Your backswing needs to be more upright. Ok, different verb, but you get my point.

Too Much Around, not Enough Up

95% or more of folks who come to me for lessons take the club back too low and around their bodies. I don’t know why that is. When I ask, most respond that it feels more powerful or that they’ve been told to take it back low and slow—whatever the reason, it’s a swing killer.

One Video is Worth a Lot of Words

I was going to go into a long-winded explanation, but then a video might be a better choice. Below is the resultant video. I hope you find it interesting and helpful. It’s almost 20 minutes long, but I think it is important enough to devote some time too! Let me know what you think. I appreciate your feedback.

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1 year ago

Turns out you can bring it back lower than your take away. But I kept hitting myself in my right knee with my hands lol. As you point out not the shot you want 🙁

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